Emco Electronics
An ISO 9001:2008 Mfg. Co.
Head Office
Tel.: +91-22-2490 2283
Tel.: +91-22-2492 3183
Fax : +91-22-2495 1024
E-mail : office@emcoelectronics.org
Tel.: +91-250-2481 783
Tel.: +91-250-2481 804
Tel.: +91-250-6480 114
Fax : +91-250-2481 087
E-mail : mumbai@emcoelectronics.org
Bangalore Office
Tel.: +91-80-2557 0215
Fax : +91-80-2557 0215
E-mail : emcoblr@bgl.vsnl.net.in
Emco Electronics, An ISO 9001:2008 Co., established in 1973 initially as an R&D outfit progressively grew into a full fledged manufacturing and marketing organisation. It started off by manufacturing Test & Control devices & Instruments which activity has today become our company’s CORE COMPETENCY. In fact, the CORE strength accumulated by the company over last so many years has enabled EMCO ELECTRONICS to enter into new lines of business like agency activity & establishment of PCB’s Test & Repair Center.

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